Ontario Foraging, Foraging, Wild edibles, Wild Mushrooms, Stratford restaurants, oyster mushrooms, morels

Please note: The mushrooms featured on our events reflect their normal growing season.
Weather conditions, which we have no control over, can affect their growth.

Young Lactarius Mushrooms
May Apple
White Pine Bolete
Otter Creek off the Avon Trail
Thames River Trail
White Coral Mushrooms
Fall Oyster Mushrooms w/husky Faolan

These events are "go" rain or shine.

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email address. For more information phone 519-271-3726 or email us at pucksplenty@gmail.com

Upcoming Events for September

April 2025 ~ May 2025 ~ June 2025 ~

July 2025 ~ August 2025 ~

October 2025 ~ November 2025 ~

September 6th

15 tickets available.

A late Summer Variety

Mother Nature has a lot to offer this time of year. Pictured here are Russulas, Hedgehogs, Boletes and Gem Studded Puffballs. Other fungi such as the Giant Puffball, Summer Oysters and Angel Wings are also available. You never know what you will discover which is part of the fun of foraging.

Find out why Marriott International listed Puck's Plenty as one of the "Top 10 Adventures to Have this Summer".

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Cambridge area.
Cost: $40.00/person

September 7th (2 events, Bright and Barrie, ON)

Hen of the Woods

15 tickets available.

Hen of the Woods, also known as Maitake, is one of the largest wild edible mushrooms outside of the Giant Puffball. They can weigh up to several pounds and are quite easy to identify, looking like a large mass of fused caribou antlers. Highly prized in both the Culinary and Medicinal communities. They can be grilled like a steak or chopped into smaller pieces and added to pasta, soups, stews . . . OR . . . simply sautee them in garlic and butter. Hen of the Woods also contain chemicals that help fight tumors, stimulate the immune system, and lower blood sugar levels.

We will be searching for these as well as Honey Mushrooms, Gem Studded Puffballs, Pear Shaped Puffballs and more.

As an added incentive, all participants will receive a large Hen of the Woods from Shogun Maitake.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Bright, ON area.
Cost: $40.00/person

The Lobster Mushroom

15 tickets available.

The Lobster Mushroom is not really a mushroom but a parasitic mold that takes over other mushrooms, altering their appearance into what you see above. The Lobster is found from late Summer well into Autumn under several species of trees. These are a dense fungi with a wonderful taste and, believe it or not, can also be used as a dye.

The forests around Barrie are rich with mushrooms so you won't go home empty handed.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Barrie, Ontario area.
Cost: $40.00/person

September 13th, 2025 Forage and Feast
Chanterelle Ragout

5 tickets available.

Let's face it, our favourite mushroom is the Chanterelle. Known for its hidden sweetness, this delicacy is easy pickings for any gourmet meal. And for that it qualifies as our featured main dish. But first we visit the trails where Oyster Mushrooms, Puffballs, Boletes to name but a few await us. before returning to Stratford where a hearty four course meal awaits us. The menu begins with Truffle Gouda from Mountain Oak Cheese accompanied with baskets of fresh baguettes from The Downie Street Bakehouse. A light Leek Soup is next on the agenda followed by the main course, Chanterelle Ragout. Our dessert, Peach Pie while beverages include locally brewed beer and wines from Niagara.

Start time: 9:45 am
Where: Packham Sports Complex
Cost: $95 per person.

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email address. For more information phone 519-271-3726 or email us at pucksplenty@gmail.com

September 14th

15 tickets available.

The Bear's Head Tooth Mushroom

The Bear's Head Tooth is a member of the Hericiaceae family, or Tooth Fungi, and is found on living and dead deciduous hardwood trees. Found young they are considered a delicacy and labeled as "choice" by many chefs worldwide. They pair well with potatoes, leeks, meats, truffle butter, and apples. But take care as they do not have a shelf life and should be prepared the same day they are found. Besides the Bear's Head we will also be searching for other mushrooms such as Comb Tooth, Summer Oysters, a variety of Boletes, Honey Mushrooms and more. Also included will be wild edible plants and herbs like Wood Sorrel, Wild Ginger and Wild Watercress.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Cambridge area.
Cost: $40.00/person

September 20th

15 tickets available.

The Comb Tooth

When you're walking through the forest and come across a branched, whitish mass on a fallen log you might think it was a patch of Winter out of nowhere. In reality it would be the Comb Tooth, another choice mushroom that has a melt in your mouth flavour. Like the Bear's Head they have no real shelf life so they should be consumed the day you find them. They can be anywhere between six to ten inches in length which would give anyone a sizeable meal. You can't find mushrooms like this in the produce section of stores and you will not experience a taste like this unless you go to the wild. Along with the Comb Tooth we will be searching for Bear's Head (another tooth fungi), Honey Mushrooms, Summer Oysters and much more.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Bright, ON area.
Cost: $40.00/person

September 27th

15 tickets available.

Honey Mushrooms

Our event features one of Autumn's finer tasting fungi, The Honey Mushroom. These mushrooms grow in huge clusters inside the forest. When young they have small caps and thick stems, scores of them attached at the base of their stems. As they mature the caps can grow quite large. Whatever their size they are delicious. We will also be searching for Comb Tooth Coral, Lepista Irinas, Velvet Foot mushrooms and more.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Cambridge area.
Cost: $40.00/person

September 28th

15 tickets available.

Lepista Irina

Yet another meaty fungi, the Lepista Irina is right up there on the list of our favourite mushrooms. Like the Blewit, you can find them under conifers from September through November. We will also be searching for Comb Tooth Coral, Velvet Foot mushrooms Blewits and more. Wild plants are also on the agenda featuring Wild Watercress and Wild Ginger.

Why not join us on trails in and around our lovely town of Stratford.

Start time: 10:00 am
Meeting place: Stratford area.
Cost: $40.00/person

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