Ontario Foraging, Foraging, Wild edibles, Wild Mushrooms, Stratford restaurants, oyster mushrooms, morels
Pineapple Weed
Wood Sorrel
Summer Oysters
Crown Tipped Coral
Yellow Cracked Bolete

These events are "go" rain or shine.

Tickets can be purchased by e-transfer.
For more information phone 519-271-3726 or email us at pucksplenty@gmail.com.

Upcoming Events for July 2025

April 2025 ~ May 2025 ~ June 2025 ~

August 2025 ~ September 2025 ~

October 2025 ~ November 2025 ~

July 5th 2025

14 tickets available.

The Black Velvet Bolete

The Black Velvet is one of the earliest Boletes to appear, continuing to show itself through most of the Summer. Rated as "choice" by many North American chefs, it can be found primarily under mature oaks. Which is why we have chosen Sudden Tract outside of Cambridge for our trek. Sudden Tract is made up of diverse forests including one huge section of hardwoods. We might add the trails are some of the most beautiful in southwestern Ontario, home to other fungi such as Oysters, Corals, Honey Mushrooms and more.

Our horizons are expanding and will include Sudden Tract several times this season. (By the way, dogs are more than welcome.)

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Cambridge, Ontario
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com

July 6th 2025

15 tickets available.

Wood Sorrel and more

Wood Sorrel is a wild edible plant that resembles clover and shamrock. It thrives across Canada, appearing from early Summer to mid-Autumn. Wood Sorrel is an incredible thirst quencher and is refreshing to eat. Both leaves and flowers are edible with a taste of mild lemon. This plant is wonderful in soups and stews. Makes a wonderful tea both hot and cold.

We'll be harvesting this wild edible along with Wild Ginger, Burdock Root and mushrooms such as Summer Oysters, Platterful, Beech Rooter and more.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Bright, Ontario
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to his email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com

July 12th 2025 Bright, ON

15 tickets available.

More Summer Fare

Summer Oysters, Platterful and Beech Rooter Mushrooms along with Wild Ginger, Yarrow Herb, Sumac and Wild Black Berries. We begin our hike at a meeting point just outside of the village of Bright where we search for assorted wild herbs. Then move on to a 100 acre parcel of Crown Land for the Summer flush of mushrooms. The added reward is the beauty of Nature along with the calming effect of walking through forests. You never know what you will find. And that's what you want in an adventure.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Bright, ON area.
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com

July 13th 2025

15 tickets available.

The Black Trumpet

These delicate beauties can be found around moss on hills of hardwood forests. Rated by chefs worldwide as choice, they rival the taste of family member, The Chanterelle. Needless to say, we will be searching for both along with Summer Oysters, a variety of Boletes and Corals.

There's a reason Travel and Leisure Magazine listed Puck's Plenty as one of the top foraging spots in the world. Find out why!

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Cambridge area.
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com

July 19th 2025 duel events.

Cambridge area

15 tickets available.

Mushrooms of July

July is THE month for Summer Mushrooms. Hedgehogs, Russulas, Old Man of the Woods, Black Trumpets and an array of Boletes. The forest we vist has pristine trails, trails that feature different terrains, different trees, untouched, the way Nature should be. "The Woods are very dark and deep . . . and so are some of the mushrooms we seek."

Join us on our treks and you will see some of the oddities Mother Nature has to offer. Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Cambridge, Ontario area.
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com

Barrie area

14 tickets available.

The Lobster Mushroom

To quote Forager Chef, "These mushrooms are created when the parasitic fungus Hypomyces lactifluorum infects species of Russula or Lactarius mushrooms, causing them to change shape, color, and flavor. Long enjoyed in Mexico where they're sold at local farmers markets, in the Michoacan peninsula they're known as "Tromba de Puerco" or pork horn. The name refers to the shape of vase-like mushrooms, and the fact that they're cooked as a meat substitute. They're usually boiled, then fried with tomatoes and onion, eaten with tortillas.

There's a large forest in Barrie, home to a variety of fungi. A truly rewarding foraging adventure.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Barrie, Ontario area.
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com

July 20th 2025

Chanterelle Hunt, 2 events at Cambridge and Barrie

Cambridge: 10 tickets available, Barrie: 12 tickets available

One of the most sought after mushrooms in the world, the Chanterelle's taste is rated as one of the best. And the best way to prepare them? Sauteed in butter and garlc (of course) but because they contain lots of moisture it is recommended you pan fry them a minute or two before adding the butter. That way you gain the perfect texture.

Along with these gems we will also be searching for Black Trumpets, a variety of Bolete Mushrooms, Summer Oysters and more.

Read Karon Liu's recent article in the Toronto Star to get a taste of what Puck's Plenty is all about.

Start time: 10:00 am. Duration: approx. 3hrs
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account pucksplenty@gmail.com

July 26th 2025

13 tickets available.

July's Jewels

Chanterelles, Black Trumpets, Hedgehogs and an assortment of Boletes. These are the mushrooms of Summer that decorate the forest floor. All these fungi are special in their own way and very easily identified from the not so edible variety. Moreover, they are among the most sought after mushrooms of Summer. Mother Nature has shown the way. All we have to do is follow her.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Cambridge, ON area.
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com

July 27th 2025

15 tickets available.

The King Bolete, aka Wild Porcini

At this time of year we are on the cusp where mushroom hunting turns exciting. One of the more highly prized fungi in the Bolete family is The King or Wild Porcini. The cap has the richest of flavours while the stalk holds many more surprises especially when cooked into soups and stews. Last year, on a newly discovered trail, we found scores of them nestled in the lush green ground cover of the forest. You won't want to miss hunting for these "choice" edibles that will drive your culinary senses wild. Along with the King Bolete we will search for oyster mushrooms, gem studded mushrooms, ash boletes and more.

Start time: 10:00 am
Where: Bright, Ontario area.
Cost: $40.00/person

Tickets can be purchased through e-transfer to this email account: pucksplenty@gmail.com